Objective: To estimate vaccination coverage, identify barriers and hesitancy to vaccinating children up to 24 months, born between 2017-2018, living in the urban area of Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil.
Methods: Population survey carried out from 2020 to 2021, which assessed sociodemographic characteristics and vaccination status among children.
Results: Among 451 included children, vaccination coverage was below 80%. Meningococcal C vaccine had the lowest coverage for administered doses (76.3%; 95%CI 70.5;81.3) and doses on time (27.4%; 95%CI 23.1;32.1). The statements "vaccines cause serious adverse reactions" (26.4%; 95%CI 18.1;36.8) and "you don't need vaccination for diseases that no longer exist" (22%; 95%CI 15.7;29.8) were the most frequent regarding vaccination hesitancy. Lack of vaccines was the main barrier to care (86.6%; 95%CI 71.8;94.3).
Conclusion: Vaccination coverage in children born in 2017-2018 was below the target recommended for the full schedule of administered doses, both valid and timely administered.
Objetivo: Estimar la cobertura vacunal, identificar barreras y reticencias a la vacunación en niños de hasta 24 meses, nacidos en 2017-2018, residentes en el área urbana de Rio Branco-Acre.
Métodos: Encuesta poblacional realizada de 2020-2021. Se evaluaron características sociodemográficas y estado de vacunación.
Resultados: En los 451 niños estudiados la cobertura vacunal por esquema fue inferior al 80%. La cobertura más baja para dosis aplicadas (76,3%; IC95% 70,5;81,3) y dosis oportunas (27,4%; IC95% 23,1;32,1) fue para meningococo C Las afirmaciones “las vacunas causan reacciones adversas graves” (26,4%; IC95% 18,1;36,8) y “no hay necesidad de vacuna para enfermedades que ya no existen” (22%; IC95% 15,7;29,8) fueron las más frecuentes en relación con la reticencia a las vacunas. (22%; IC95% 15,7;29,8) fueron las más frecuentes respecto a la renuencia a vacunarse. La falta de vacuna fue la principal barrera para la atención (86,6%; IC95% 71,8;94,3).
Conclusión: La cobertura vacunal en niños nacidos en 2017-2018 estuvo por debajo de la meta recomendada en los esquemas completos de dosis aplicadas, válidos y oportunos.
Main results: Coverage levels below 80%. Main barriers: access difficulties and lack of vaccines. Believing that events supposedly attributable to vaccination are serious was the most frequent statement justifying vaccination hesitancy.
Implications for services: It is necessary to avoid loss of vaccination opportunities, guaranteeing vaccines and qualified professionals in health centers, in addition to providing guidance to the community on the vaccination schedule and its intervals.
Perspectives: Prospective and qualitative studies help to assess associated factors and understand barriers and vaccination hesitancy; evaluating the cost-effectiveness of programs aimed at the role of health professionals is essential.