Holistic Healing: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Addressing Psychosomatic and Mental Health Challenges in a Young Refugee

J Pediatr Health Care. 2024 Nov 4:S0891-5245(24)00312-2. doi: 10.1016/j.pedhc.2024.10.007. Online ahead of print.


Our hypothetical case study depicts the experience of a newly arrived refugee child, a 10-year-old refugee from war-torn Kyiv, Ukraine. She presented with symptoms of anxiety-related physical complaints following displacement and relocation to the United States. This case study illustrates the care provided by a pediatric nurse practitioner. A multidisciplinary approach was used to address her psychosomatic symptoms, mental health, malnutrition, immunization status, and social integration challenges.

Keywords: Refugee health; case study; child trauma; malnutrition; mental health care; multidisciplinary care; psychosomatic symptoms.