Differential Diagnosis of Intracranial Masses

In: Diseases of the Brain, Head and Neck, Spine 2024-2027: Diagnostic Imaging [Internet]. Cham (CH): Springer; 2024. Chapter 8.


The differential diagnosis of cerebral mass lesions includes neoplastic, inflammatory, infective, and vascular lesions, as well as incidental developmental anomalies. A differential diagnostic approach should be based on the patient’s mode of presentations and prior clinical history, as well as on a systematic analysis of imaging patterns. This includes anatomical features, such as intra- vs. extra-axial, predominant gray matter or white matter involvement, supra-versus infratentorial, single vs. multiple, as well as signal characteristics on standard MR sequences, enhancement patterns, and findings on diffusion-weighted imaging, and hemorrhage-sensitive and perfusion sequences. Here we will discuss primary and secondary cerebral neoplasms in broad terms and illustrate the most important tumor mimics.

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  • Review