Sex estimation from patellar measurements in a contemporary Italian population: a machine learning approach

Int J Legal Med. 2024 Nov 4. doi: 10.1007/s00414-024-03359-0. Online ahead of print.


Biological sex estimation in forensic anthropology is a crucial topic, and the patella has shown promise in this regard due to its sexual dimorphism. This study uses 12 machine learning models for sex estimation based on three patellar measurements (maximum height, breadth, and thickness). Data was collected from 180 skeletons of a contemporary Italian population (83 males and 97 females) as well as from an independent sample of 21 forensic cases (13 males and 8 females). Statistical analyses indicated that each of the variables exhibited significant sexual dimorphism. To predict biological sex, the classifiers were built using 70% of a reference sample, then tested on the remaining 30% of the original sample and then tested again on the independent sample. The different classifiers generated accuracies varied between 0.85 and 0.91 on the reference sample and between 0.71 and 0.95 for the validation sample. SVM classifier stood out with the highest accuracy and seemed the best model for our study.This study contributes to the growing application of machine learning in forensic anthropology by being the first to apply such techniques to patellar measurements in an Italian population. It aims to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of biological sex estimation from the patella, building on promising results observed with other skeletal elements.

Keywords: Forensic anthropology; Machine learning; Patella; Sex estimation; Sexual dimorphism.