Time Delays as Attosecond Probe of Interelectronic Coherence and Entanglement

Phys Rev Lett. 2024 Oct 18;133(16):163201. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.133.163201.


Attosecond chronoscopy enables the exploration of correlated electron dynamics in real time. One key observable of attosecond physics is the determination of "time zero" of photoionization, the time delay with which the wave packet of the ionized electron departs from the ionic core. This observable has become accessible by experimental advances in attosecond streaking and reconstruction of attosecond beating by interference of two-photon transitions (RABBIT) techniques. In this Letter, we explore photoionization time delays by strong extreme ultraviolet fields beyond the linear-response limit. We identify novel signatures in time delays signifying strong coupling between atoms and light fields and the light-field dressing of the ion. As a prototypical case, we study the interelectronic coherence and entanglement in helium driven by a strong extreme ultraviolet field. By the numerical solution of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation in its full dimensionality, we show that the time delay of the photoionized electron allows one to monitor the ultrafast variations of coherence dynamics and entanglement in real time.