Multiple autoimmune syndrome (MAS) is characterized by the coexistence of three or more autoimmune diseases. We are reporting a unique case of MAS, presented as a Myasthenia Gravis exacerbation, found to have unexpected sero-abnormalities. A 39-year-old female presented with complaints of progressive difficulty swallowing of solids and liquids, droopy eyelids, and facial weakness. Physical examination revealed bilateral ptosis and proptosis, slow-muffled speech, loss of EOM, inability to smile, puff cheeks, clench teeth, or protrude tongue and an asymmetrical shoulder shrug. Motor tone was normal except ⅘ in the left arm and ⅗ in left hand with loss of flexion at left DIP joints. Acetylcholine receptor binding antibodies, ANA, Antithyroid peroxidase, antithyroglobulin and Anti SS-A were positive. MAS, while not a life-threatening condition, greatly degrades patients' quality of life. We recommend that when you encounter patients with one or more autoimmune disorder, you consider MAS in your differential.
Keywords: multiple autoimmune syndrome; myasthenia gravis; thyroiditis.