Mental Health Among First-Year Students Transitioning to University in Australia: A Longitudinal Study

Psychol Rep. 2024 Oct 23:332941241295978. doi: 10.1177/00332941241295978. Online ahead of print.


Objectives: Young people attending university for the first time may be at heightened risk of experiencing mental health problems. However, limited research has examined the mental health experiences of this cohort using longitudinal methods. This study aimed to examine mental health symptoms prior to commencing university, estimate changes in symptoms over the course of the first semester of study, and identify factors associated with initial symptom levels and changes. Methods: Australian first-year undergraduate students (N = 340) were recruited via social media and participated in a four-wave online longitudinal study conducted between February and June 2021. Symptoms of depression, anxiety, and psychological distress were assessed at each wave, along with psychosocial and lifestyle factors. Demographic characteristics were assessed at baseline. Results: Latent growth curve models indicated no significant linear change over time for depression (p = .26) or anxiety (p = .83) symptoms. However, a significant effect of time was observed for psychological distress (p = .03), indicating higher distress levels at wave 3 compared to baseline (p = .004). Financial stress, pressure to succeed, difficulty coping, greater loneliness, and more negative social interactions were each significantly associated with higher baseline depression, anxiety, and distress scores. Only greater loneliness and more negative social interactions were found to be associated with a greater increase in depression over time. Conclusion: The findings indicate that transition to university was not generally associated with an increase in poor mental health. However, several factors were associated with poorer mental health immediately prior to university commencement. Assisting students to manage financial distress, facilitating the development of social connections among students with limited social networks and skills training targeting coping and the development of realistic academic expectations may help support student mental health and promote improved wellbeing during transition to university.

Keywords: University students; longitudinal; mental health; risk factors; transitions.