RNA helicases are an evolutionary conserved class of nucleoside triphosphate dependent enzymes found in all kingdoms of life. Their cellular functions range from transcription regulation up to maintaining genomic stability and viral defence. As dysregulation of RNA helicases has been shown to be involved in several cancers and various diseases, RNA helicases are potential therapeutic targets. However, for selective targeting of a specific RNA helicase, it is crucial to develop a detailed understanding about its dynamics and regulation on a molecular and structural level. Deciphering unique features of specific RNA helicases is of fundamental importance not only for future drug development but also to deepen our understanding of RNA helicase regulation and function in cellular processes. In this review, we discuss recent insights into regulation mechanisms of RNA helicases and highlight models which demonstrate the interplay between helicase structure and their functions.
Keywords: DHX9; RNA helicases; RNA remodelling; RNA unwinding; autoregulation; auxiliary domains.