A 3-year-old male castrated domestic ferret presented with a 24 h history of lethargy, weakness, and anorexia. The ferret was tachypneic, painful, dehydrated, pale, and obtunded on physical examination. Radiographs and thoracic CT were utilized to diagnose a 360° right cranial lung lobe torsion (LLT) with secondary pneumothorax and pleural effusion. This was confirmed on gross necropsy and histopathology. The LLT was suspected to be secondary to previous trauma based on chronic bilateral rib fractures. Lung lobe torsions are life-threatening conditions infrequently described in veterinary medicine. Based on our review of the literature, this is the first description of an LLT in a ferret.
Keywords: computed tomography; ferret; lung lobe torsion; right cranial lung lobe.
© 2024 American College of Veterinary Radiology.