Compounding pharmacies commonly use ready-to-use vehicles such as TrichoSolTM to produce hair solutions for alopecia. However, chemical and microbiological compatibility are paramount to be determined so those can be safely implemented as the vehicle of choice. This study aimed to assess the physical-chemical and microbiological stabilities of selected active pharmaceutical ingredients in TrichoSolTM. For that, HPLC analyses and Antimicrobial Effectiveness Testing were conducted in bracketed studies. The beyond-use dates (BUDs) found were: 180 days for cetirizine hydrochloride 0.5%-2.0%, dutasteride 0.1%, hydrocortisone acetate 0.5%, nicotinamide 0.25%-0.50%, progesterone 1.0%, and pyridoxine hydrochloride 0.25%-5.0%. BUDs of 150 days were observed for hydrocortisone acetate 1.0%, 120 days for Dutasteride 0.25%, and 90 days for progesterone 2.5%.
Copyright© by International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding, Inc.