As interest in deep space travel grows exponentially, understanding human adaptation in becoming an interplanetary species is crucial. This includes the prospect of reproduction. This review summarizes recent updates and innovations in assisted reproductive technologies (ART) on Earth, while also discussing current challenges and areas for improvement in adapting ART studies to the space environment. We discuss the critical components of ART - gamete handling and preparation, fertilization, embryo culture, and cryopreservation - from the daily practice perspective of clinical embryologists and reproductive endocrinologists and lay out the complicated path ahead.In vitro embryo development in low Earth orbit and beyond remains questionable due to synergetic effects of microgravity and radiation-induced damage observed in simulated and actual in-space mammalian studies. Cryopreservation and long-term storage of frozen samples face substantial obstacles - temperature limitations, lack of trained personnel, and absence of adapted cosmic engineering options. We touch on recent innovations, which may offer potential solutions, such as microfluidic devices and automated systems. Lastly, we stress the necessity for intensive studies and the importance of an interdisciplinary approach to address numerous practical challenges in advancing reproductive medicine in space, with possible implications for both space exploration and terrestrial fertility treatments.
Keywords: Assisted Reproductive technologies (ART); Embryo; In Vitro fertilization (IVF); Microgravity; Oocyte; Spaceflight; Spermatozoa.
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