Asymptotics of commuting -tuples in symmetric groups and log-concavity

Res Number Theory. 2024;10(4):83. doi: 10.1007/s40993-024-00562-1. Epub 2024 Oct 3.


Denote by N ( n ) the number of -tuples of elements in the symmetric group S n with commuting components, normalized by the order of S n . In this paper, we prove asymptotic formulas for N ( n ) . In addition, general criteria for log-concavity are shown, which can be applied to N ( n ) among other examples. Moreover, we obtain a Bessenrodt-Ono type theorem which gives an inequality of the form c ( a ) c ( b ) > c ( a + b ) for certain families of sequences c(n).

Keywords: Generating functions; Log-concavity; Partition numbers; Symmetric group.