COVID Just-in-Time Extension for Community Health Outcomes: A Collaborative Information-Sharing Platform for a School Health Community

Public Health Rep. 2024 Oct 7:333549241283173. doi: 10.1177/00333549241283173. Online ahead of print.


The COVID-19 pandemic challenged school health professionals to navigate a dynamic public health emergency and to stay aware of changing recommendations. This study aimed to determine the value of the COVID Just-in-Time ECHO (Extension for Community Health Outcomes) Learning Series for Schools among participating school health personnel and to describe their ongoing information needs during the pandemic. School health, public health, and education professionals across Colorado participated in this ECHO series. Participants attended 1-hour sessions every 2 to 4 weeks from March 2020 through December 2021 for a total of 34 sessions. Data collection included postsession and postseries surveys assessing what participants found most valuable and what additional information they needed. School nurses represented 113 of 224 participants (50%). ECHO content noted as being the most valuable included epidemiology updates and special topics as chosen by participant input. Postseries surveys identified the value of experiencing shared knowledge among Just-in-Time ECHO participants. Participants identified ongoing needs for information about COVID-19 guidance and risk mitigation in schools throughout the sessions. In postseries surveys, participants reported additional ongoing information needs related to COVID-19 outside schools. This ECHO series delivered reliable and time-sensitive information for school health personnel and school leaders and may provide a useful model for information sharing among education and public health professionals.

Keywords: COVID-19; health education; public health; school health; school nursing.