The intricacies of vegetation responses to changing moisture conditions

New Phytol. 2024 Oct 6. doi: 10.1111/nph.20182. Online ahead of print.


A long-standing debate looks at whether air or soil dryness is more limiting to vegetation water use and productivity. The answer has large implications for future ecosystem functioning, as atmospheric dryness is predicted to increase globally while changes in soil moisture are predicted to be far more variable. Here, I review the complexities that contribute to this debate, including the strong coupling between atmospheric and soil dryness, and the widespread heterogeneity in vegetation hydraulic traits, acclimations, and adaptations to water stress. I discuss solutions to improve understanding and modeling of vegetation sensitivity to dryness, including how different types of observational data can be used together to gain insight into vegetation response to water stress across spatial and temporal scales.

Keywords: drought; land–atmosphere interactions; soil moisture; stomatal conductance; transpiration; vapor pressure deficit; vegetation productivity; vegetation water stress.

Publication types

  • Review