Introduction and importance: Urethral duplication is a rare congenital urinary tract anomaly. Its association with male epispadias is extremely rare. Due to various anatomical types, patients with urethral duplication can have a wide range of clinical presentations. Managing epispadias associated with urethral duplication involves different techniques and one should identify the functional urethra before proceeding with the surgery. It is associated with better functional outcomes than bladder epispadias exstrophy.
Case presentation: We report a case of a 4-year-old male child presented with a complaint of urinary incontinence. After evaluation, he was diagnosed with Urethral duplication associated with penopubic epispadias. Epispadias repair with urethral advancement was done and the child had a smooth postoperative course.
Clinical discussion: Both urethral duplication and epispadias are rare congenital urinary tract anomalies. Urethral duplication associated with epispadias is extremely rare. Patient clinical presentation varies from incontinence to incidental findings. The diagnosis of urethral duplication in epispadias patients is usually missed preoperatively and even intraoperatively. The type of procedure going to be done depends on the type of urethral duplication. Management of these patients is associated with good functional outcomes.
Conclusion: Even though urethral duplication associated with epispadias is a rare congenital malformation, it should be carefully searched in male epispadias.
Keywords: Epispadias; Urethral duplication; Urinary incontinence.
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