Aim: The aim of this study was to find out the relationship of conventional and/or novel cardiovascular risk factors with coronary artery disease severity in terms of SYNTAX scores in young (≤45 years) and aged (>45 years) patients.
Materials and methods: The final number of patients included in the study was 132 and divided into 2 groups: Group A was young patients with age less than 45 years, and in group B, the age was more than 45 years. The SYNTAX score was determined for each case based on the preoperative coronary angiogram using the Online SYNTAX score calculator version 2.11.
Results: It was seen that 33% of patients in group A had high SYNTAX scores, as compared to only 8% in group B. This definitely shows that the younger population has more COMPLEX coronary artery lesions than the elderly.
Conclusion: YOUNG patients have significantly higher levels of homocysteine as compared to the elderly. Serum homocysteine correlates with SYNTAX scores in YOUNG patients, with a sensitivity of 83.33%, specificity 91.67%, and diagnostic accuracy 86.67%. Percentage of Low HDL in YOUNG is significantly higher than in the elderly.
Keywords: Conventional; coronary artery; novel risk factors; syntax score.
Copyright: © 2024 Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences.