A Narrative Review of Pain in Pediatric Oncology: The Opioid Option for Procedural and Surgical Pain

Paediatr Drugs. 2024 Sep 28. doi: 10.1007/s40272-024-00654-6. Online ahead of print.


This narrative review examines the evolving role of opioids in managing procedural and surgical pain in pediatric oncology patients. The review evaluates studies on opioid use across various oncological surgeries including thoracic, abdominal, orthopedic, and neurosurgical procedures, as well as for common painful procedures such as bone marrow aspirations and lumbar punctures. While opioids remain important for acute procedural and postoperative pain management in pediatric oncology patients, there is an increasing emphasis on multimodal, opioid-sparing approaches. The evidence presented within this review highlights the growing focus on judicious postoperative opioid prescribing to mitigate risks of adverse effects and persistent use or potential misuse. The review synthesizes findings from studies investigating various analgesic regimens, including the use of regional anesthesia techniques like epidural analgesia and peripheral nerve blocks, which have shown promise in reducing opioid requirements. For procedural pain, the review explores the efficacy of combining opioids with sedatives like midazolam or propofol, as well as the potential of ketamine as an opioid-sparing alternative. Key findings indicate that opioid-sparing techniques can effectively reduce overall opioid consumption without compromising pain control or patient satisfaction. Several studies demonstrated that regional anesthesia techniques and non-opioid adjuncts can significantly lower postoperative opioid requirements across various surgical procedures. For procedural pain, ketamine-based regimens often showed comparable or superior pain control to opioid-based approaches, with some studies reporting better patient satisfaction. This review also addresses the importance of tailored postoperative opioid prescribing, with some studies presenting algorithms to predict outpatient opioid needs more accurately. These approaches aim to ensure adequate pain control while minimizing excess opioid dispensing.

Publication types

  • Review