Age-related changes in the immune system, referred to as immunosenescence, appear to evolve with rather paradoxical manifestations, a diminished adaptive immune capacity, and an increased propensity for chronic inflammation often with autoimmunity, which may underlie the development of diverse disorders with age. Immunosenescent phenotypes are associated with the emergence of unique lymphocyte subpopulations of both T and B lineages. We report that a CD153+ PD-1+ CD4+ T-cell subpopulation with severely attenuated T-cell receptor (TCR)-responsiveness, termed senescence-associated T (SAT) cells, co-evolve with potentially autoreactive CD30+ B cells, such as spontaneous germinal center B cells and age-associated B cells, in aging mice. SAT cells and CD30+ B cells are reciprocally activated with the aid of the interaction of CD153 with CD30 in trans and with the TCR complex in cis, resulting in the restoration of TCR-mediated proliferation and secretion of abundant proinflammatory cytokines in SAT cells and the activation and production of autoantibodies by CD30+ B cells. Besides normal aging, the development of SAT cells coupled with counterpart B cells may be robustly accelerated and accumulated in the relevant tissues of lymphoid or extra-lymphoid organs under chronic inflammatory conditions including autoimmunity and may contribute to the pathogenesis and aggravation of the disorders. This review summarizes and discusses recent advances in the understanding of SAT cells in the contexts of immunosenescent phenotypes, autoimmune and chronic inflammatory diseases and provides a novel therapeutic clue.
Keywords: Autoimmune diseases; Chronic inflammatory diseases; Immunosenescence; T cells and B cells.
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