Quantitative Assessment of Collagen Remodeling during a Murine Pregnancy

ACS Photonics. 2024 Aug 14;11(9):3536-3544. doi: 10.1021/acsphotonics.4c00337. eCollection 2024 Sep 18.


Uterine cervical remodeling is a fundamental feature of pregnancy, facilitating the delivery of the fetus through the cervical canal. Yet, we still know very little about this process due to the lack of methodologies that can quantitatively and unequivocally pinpoint the changes the cervix undergoes during pregnancy. We utilize polarization-resolved second harmonic generation to visualize the alterations the cervix extracellular matrix, specifically collagen, undergoes during pregnancy with exquisite resolution. This technique provides images of the collagen orientation at the pixel level (0.4 μm) over the entire murine cervical section. They show tight and ordered packing of collagen fibers around the os at the early stage of pregnancy and their disruption at the later stages. Furthermore, we utilize a straightforward statistical analysis to demonstrate the loss of order in the tissue, consistent with the loss of mechanical properties associated with this process. This work provides a deeper understanding of the parturition process and could support research into the cause of pathological or premature birth.