Motility and pairwise interactions of chemically active droplets in one-dimensional confinement

Phys Rev E. 2024 Aug;110(2-1):024612. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.110.024612.


Self-propelled droplets serve as ideal model systems to delve deeper into understanding the motion of biological microswimmers by simulating their motility. Biological microorganisms are renowned for showcasing a diverse array of dynamic swimming behaviors when confronted with physical constraints. This study aims to elucidate the impact of physical constraints on swimming characteristics of biological microorganisms. To achieve this, we present observations on the individual and pairwise behavior of micellar solubilized self-propelled 4-cyano-4'-pentyl-biphenyl (5CB) oil droplets in a square capillary channel filled with a surfactant trimethyl ammonium bromide aqueous solution. To explore the effect of the underlying Péclet number of the swimming droplets, the study is also performed in the presence of additives such as high molecular weight polymer polyethylene oxide and molecular solute glycerol. The capillary confinement restricts droplet to predominantly one-dimensional motion, albeit with noticeable differences in their motion across the three scenarios. Through a characterization of the chemical and hydrodynamic flow fields surrounding the droplets, we illustrate that the modification of the droplets' chemical field due to confinement varies significantly based on the underlying differences in the Péclet number in these cases. This alteration in the chemical field distribution notably affects the individual droplets' motion. Moreover, these distinct chemical field interactions between the droplets also lead to variations in their pairwise motion, ranging from behaviors like chasing to scattering.