Food Insecurity Prevalence and Risk Factors among Persons with HIV in a Southeastern US Clinical Care Setting

AIDS Behav. 2024 Sep 13. doi: 10.1007/s10461-024-04497-7. Online ahead of print.


Food insecurity (FI) is associated with adverse health outcomes for persons with HIV (PWH). Little is known about FI among PWH in southern or non-urban settings. We examined FI prevalence, risk factors, and access to services in a southeastern HIV clinic. Among PWH in the UNC CFAR HIV Clinical Cohort who were screened for FI as part of HIV care between 2021 and 2022, we estimated unadjusted prevalence ratios (PRs) comparing the probability of reporting FI by demographic and clinical characteristics. The 479 PWH screened for FI were 65% cisgender men, 62% non-Hispanic Black PWH, a median of 54 years old (IQR 41-62), and 93% with an HIV viral load (VL) < 200 copies/mL. FI prevalence was 36.3% (95% CI 32.3%-40.9%). Cisgender women and transgender adults were more likely to report FI than cisgender men (PRs 1.24 [95% CI 0.97-1.59] and 2.03 [1.32-3.12], respectively). Compared with White PWH, the PR was 1.71 (1.20-2.42) for Black and 2.44 (1.56-3.82) for Hispanic PWH. The PR was 1.42 (0.98-2.05) for PWH with VL ≥ 200 versus < 200 copies/mL. Having no or public versus private health insurance was also associated with FI. PWH with FI had a high prevalence of comorbidities including hypercholesterolemia (49%) and hypertension (48%), though these were not associated with FI. Almost half of PWH with FI were not accessing a food pantry or nutrition assistance program. Identifying FI in PWH is critical as FI is common and may contribute to viral non-suppression, poor comorbidity control, and gender and racial/ethnic health disparities in PWH.

Keywords: Comorbidities; Food insecurity; HIV; US South.