Rachiplusia nu Guenée is a polyphagous species able to develop on several cultivated and non-cultivated host plants. However, basic life history information about this pest on hosts is scarce. In this study, R. nu larvae did not survive on leaves of non-Bt corn, wheat, Bt cotton that expresses proteins Cry1Ac+Cry2Ab2 or on Intacta2 Xtend soybean that expresses the Cry1A.105/Cry2Ab2/Cry1Ac proteins. Rachiplusia nu showed a viable egg-to-adult biological cycle (54%-66.3%) on non-Bt soybean, sunflower, canola, vetch, Persian clover, alfalfa, bean, and forage turnip hosts, similar to larvae raised on the artificial diet. In addition, R. nu was unable to complete larval development on non-Bt cotton, and only 45.2% of R. nu larvae reached the pupal stage when fed leaves of intacta RR2 PRO soybean that expresses the Cry1Ac protein. Larval and pupal mass of surviving insects on Cry1Ac soybean leaves were also lower (larval: 0.104 g; pupal: 0.099 g) in relation to other food sources (larval: 0.165-0.189 g; pupal: 0.173-0.192 g). The total fecundity of R. nu on Cry1Ac soybean leaves was ≈65% lower in relation to other food sources. This fact caused ≈60% the net reproductive rate (Ro) and intrinsic rate of increase (rm) when compared to other food sources. Our findings indicate that the Cry1Ac soybean negatively affects the biological parameters of R. nu. Non-Bt soybean, sunflower, canola, vetch, Persian clover, alfalfa, bean, and forage turnip are viable food sources for the survival and development of R. nu.
Keywords: alternative host; crop rotation; life cycle; looper; reproduction.
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