A computer assisted shared care scheme for the long term management and follow up of hypertensive patients has been developed in the Grampian Region. The scheme aims at facilitating the exchange of clinically important information between doctors and at achieving target levels of blood pressure with treatment in patients at highest risk of cardiovascular events. The shared care scheme has been well received by the local practitioners. Two hundred and fifty seven patients (18%) of 1426 patients under current long term follow up are assigned to follow up in the hospital aspect of the scheme. At the most recent visit 32% of patients in the hospital aspect and 10% of 1169 patients in the general practice aspect had blood pressure recordings above the target levels of 160/95 mm Hg. The stratification of patients formerly attending hospital clinics into grades of risk has rationalised our follow up procedures to allow the specialist resources to be freed and concentrated on those patients at highest risk and with the most complex problems. This computer assisted patient records system could be applied to other groups of high risk patients in whom long term follow up and surveillance are necessary--for example, patients with diabetes mellitus--and has implications for optimising and monitoring the delivery and outcome of care without overwhelming limited hospital resources.