Tetraopes are aposematic longhorn beetles (Cerambycidae) that feed primarily on toxic plants in the genus Asclepias (milkweeds). Studies of Tetraopes and their host plants have revealed compelling evidence for insect-plant coevolution and cospeciation. We sequenced, assembled and annotated the genome of the common red milkweed beetle, Tetraopes tetrophthalmus, and explored gene content and evolution, focusing on annotated genes putatively involved in chemosensation, allelochemical detoxification, and phytophagy. Comparisons were made to the Asian longhorned beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis) genome. The genome assembly comprised 779 Mb distributed across 1057 contigs, with an N50 of 2.21 Mb and 13,089 putative genes, including 97.3% of expected single-copy orthologs. Manual curation identified 122 putative odorant receptors (OR) and 162 gustatory receptors (GR), the former number similar to A. glabripennis but the latter only 69% of the A. glabripennis suite. We also documented a greater percentage of pseudogenic GRs and ORs compared to A. glabripennis, suggesting an ongoing reduction in chemosensory function, perhaps related to host specialization. We found lower diversity within certain well-studied gene families predicted to encode putative plant cell wall degrading enzymes in the T. tetrophthalmus genome, perhaps also due to host specialization. Exploring genes relevant to stress and allelochemical detoxification revealed evidence of an abundance of ABC-family genes in the T. tetrophthalmus genome, which may be related to sequestering toxic cardiac glycosides. Our studies further illuminate the genomic basis and evolution of chemosensation in longhorn beetles and provide a new vantage point from which to explore the ecology and evolution of specialized plant-feeding in Tetraopes and other phytophagous beetles.
Keywords: Asclepias; cardiac glycosides; chemoperception; detoxification; glycoside hydrolase; insect-plant interactions; phytophagy.
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