A Scoping Review of Behavioural Studies on Heated Tobacco Products

Cureus. 2024 Jul 30;16(7):e65773. doi: 10.7759/cureus.65773. eCollection 2024 Jul.


Heated tobacco products (HTPs) are electronic devices that heat tobacco sticks to temperatures much lower than those which cause pyrolysis and combustion in cigarettes. While this electrical heating causes the formation of an inhalable aerosol which contains nicotine, the aerosol from HTPs contains significantly fewer and lower levels of the harmful and potentially harmful chemicals found in cigarette smoke. As a result, HTP use potentially conveys reduced risks to health compared to cigarette smoking. While this relative reduction in individual health risk is becoming clearer, what is less certain is the impact of HTPs on overall population‑level health, taking into account both the potential positive impact on adult smokers who completely switch to using HTPs and any unintended impacts such as use by tobacco non‑users and particularly by youth. The aim of this scoping review was to collate and evaluate the published scientific evidence to date, with a cut‑off of 1 January 2024, investigating the impact of HTPs on population‑level health. This evaluation suggests that HTP use is almost exclusively observed among those with a history of cigarette smoking, and there is a growing body of evidence for the ability of HTPs to provide support for adult smokers to transition away from cigarette smoking, in the absence of any significant "gateway" into tobacco use initiation. Many studies have reported a significant degree of dual use of cigarettes and HTPs, and efforts to assess the reasons for such patterns of use, whether these provide overall exposure reductions, and whether dual use acts as a bridge towards a complete transition away from cigarette smoking, requires further investigation. In addition, correction of the widespread and increasing misperceptions of HTPs among adult smokers is recommended to promote HTP uptake as a potentially less harmful alternative to smoking in this population.

Keywords: cigarette smoking; heat-not-burn; heated tobacco products; population health; scoping review; tobacco harm reduction; tobacco heating products.

Publication types

  • Review

Grants and funding

This writing of this review was funded by Imperial Brands PLC, a manufacturer of tobacco and nicotine products including heated tobacco products.