Colorectal cancer (CRC) affects approximately 2 million people worldwide. Obesity is the major risk factor for CRC. In addition, obesity contributes to a chronic inflammatory stage that enhances tumor progression through the secretion of proinflammatory cytokines. In addition to an increased inflammatory response, obesity-associated cancer presents accrued molecular factors related to cancer characteristics, such as genome instability, sustained cell proliferation, telomere dysfunctions, angiogenesis, and microbial alteration, among others. Despite the evidence accumulated over the last few years, the treatments for obesity-associated CRC do not differ from the CRC treatments in normal-weight individuals. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge on obesity-associated cancer, including its epidemiology, risk factors, molecular factors, and current treatments. Finally, we enumerate possible new therapeutic targets that may improve the conditions of obese CRC patients. Obesity is key for the development of CRC, and treatments resulting in the reversal of obesity should be considered as a strategy for improving antineoplastic CRC therapies.
colorectal cancer; epidemiology; molecular factors; obesity; risk factors; targets; treatments.
MeSH terms
Colorectal Neoplasms* / complications
Colorectal Neoplasms* / etiology
Colorectal Neoplasms* / metabolism
Colorectal Neoplasms* / pathology
Obesity* / complications
Obesity* / metabolism
Risk Factors
Grants and funding
L.S. is supported by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación, AEI, (grant number PID2021-126426OB-I00); and the “Beatriz Galindo senior” Program from the Spanish Ministry of Universities. L.G.-G. is supported by the “Margarita Salas” Program from the Spanish Ministry of Universities. O.M. is supported by the “Beatriz Galindo junior” Program from the Spanish Ministry of Universities. D.B. and R.P.-R. are supported by the University of Valladolid. L.A.-F. holds a predoctoral fellowship from the Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC). G.K. is supported by the Ligue contre le Cancer (équipe labellisée); Agence National de la Recherche (ANR-22-CE14-0066 VIVORUSH, ANR-23-CE44-0030 COPPERMAC, ANR-23-R4HC-0006 En-er-LIGHT); Association pour la recherche sur le cancer (ARC); Cancéropôle Ile-de-France; Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale (FRM); a donation by Elior; European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJPRD) Wilsonmed; European Research Council Advanced Investigator Award (ERC-2021-ADG, Grant No. 101052444; project acronym: ICD-Cancer, project title: Immunogenic cell death (ICD) in the cancer-immune dialogue); the ERA4 Health Cardinoff Grant Ener-LIGHT; European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programmes Oncobiome (grant agreement number: 825410, Project Acronym: ONCOBIOME, Project title: Gut OncoMicrobiome Signatures [GOMS] associated with cancer incidence, prognosis, and prediction of treatment response, Prevalung (grant agreement number 101095604, Project Acronym: PREVALUNG EU, project title: Biomarkers affecting the transition from cardiovascular disease to lung cancer: towards stratified interception), Neutrocure (grant agreement number 861878: Project Acronym: Neutrocure; project title: Development of “smart” amplifiers of reactive oxygen species specific to aberrant poly-morphonuclear neutrophils for treatment of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, cancer, and myeloablation); national support managed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche under the France 2030 programme (reference number 21-ESRE-0028, ESR/Equipex+ Onco-Pheno-Screen); Hevolution Network on Senescence in Aging (reference HF-E Einstein Network); Institut National du Cancer (INCa); Institut Universitaire de France; LabEx Immuno-Oncology ANR-18-IDEX-0001; a Cancer Research ASPIRE Award from the Mark Foundation; PAIR-Obésité INCa_1873, the RHUs Immunolife and LUCA-pi (ANR-21-RHUS-0017 and ANR-23-RHUS-0010, both dedicated to France Relance 2030); Seerave Foundation; SIRIC Cancer Research and Personalized Medicine (CARPEM, SIRIC CARPEM INCa-DGOS-Inserm-ITMO Cancer_18006 supported by Institut National du Cancer, Ministère des Solidarités et de la Santé, and INSERM). This study contributes to the IdEx Université de Paris Cité ANR-18-IDEX-0001. Views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union, the European Research Council, or any other granting authority. Neither the European Union nor any other granting authority can be held responsible for them.