The energy landscape of multiply connected superconducting structures is ruled by fluxoid quantization due to the implied single-valuedness of the complex wave function. The transitions and interaction between these energy states, each defined by a specific phase winding number, are governed by classical and/or quantum phase slips. Understanding these events requires the ability to probe, noninvasively, the state of the ring. Here, we employ a niobium resonator to examine the superconducting properties of an aluminum loop. By applying a magnetic field, adjusting temperature, and altering the loop's dimensions via focused ion beam milling, we correlate resonance frequency shifts with changes in the loop's kinetic inductance. This parameter is an indicator of the superconducting condensate's state, facilitating the detection of phase slips in nanodevices and providing insights into their dynamics. Our method presents a proof-of-principle spectroscopic technique with promising potential for investigating Cooper pair density in inductively coupled superconducting nanostructures.
Keywords: flux quantization; kinetic inductance; phase slip; superconductivity.