Using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), we investigate the spatial distribution of the bridging hydroxyl (OHb) bound excess electrons on the rutile TiO2(110) surface and its temperature dependence. By performing simultaneously recorded empty and filled state imaging on single OHbs at different temperatures in STM, we determine that the spatial distribution of the OHb bound excess electrons retains a symmetric four-lobe structure around the OHb at both 78 and 7 K. This indicates that OHbs are much weaker charge traps compared to bridging O vacancies (Ob-vac). In addition, by sequentially removing the capping H of each OHb using voltage pulses, we find that the annihilation of each OHb is accompanied by the disappearance of some lobes in the filled state STM, thus verifying the direct correlation between OHbs and their excess electrons.
© 2024 The Authors. Published by American Chemical Society.