In house 3-D printed surgical guide for frontal sinus osteotomy in traumatology: A technical note

J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2024 Aug 24;126(1):102023. doi: 10.1016/j.jormas.2024.102023. Online ahead of print.


Frontal sinus surgery and particularly frontal sinus osteotomy represent historically a procedure demanding precision and careful planning. Achieving optimal results while minimizing complications requires meticulous preoperative planning and execution. Cutting guides are crucial tools in surgical procedures, particularly in complex osteotomies like could be those involving the frontal sinus. The aim of the study is to show the worflow for the in-house custom made cutting guide for secure and accurated frontal sinus approach. Given the simplicity, efficacy, rapidity, and safety of the procedure, the workflow for programming the cutting guide can be considered valid for all surgical procedures that contemplate performing an osteotomy on the anterior wall of the frontal sinus, such as trauma pathology, inflammatory naso-sinus pathology, benign or malignant neoplastic pathology, and craniofacial malformation pathology.

Keywords: 3D printing; Cutting guide; Frontal sinus fractures; Virtual surgical planning.