Physical activity is important for everyone to maintain and improve health, especially for people with chronic diseases. Mobile exergaming has the potential to increase physical activity and to specifically reach people with poor activity levels. However, commercial mobile exergames are not specially designed for older people with chronic illnesses such as heart failure. The primary aim of this viewpoint is to describe the underlying reasoning guiding the design choices made in developing a mobile exergame, Heart Farming, tailored specifically for sedentary older people diagnosed with heart failure. The goal of the exergame is to increase physical activity levels by increasing the daily walking duration of patients with heart failure by at least 10 minutes. The rationale guiding the design decisions of the mobile exergame is grounded in the thoughtful integration of gamification strategies tailored for application in cardiovascular care. This integration is achieved through applying gamification components, gamification elements, and gamification principles. The Heart Farming mobile exergame is about helping a farmer take care of and expand a virtual farm, with these activities taking place while the patient walks in the real world. The exergame can be adapted to individual preferences and physical condition regarding where, how, when, and how much to play and walk. The exergame is developed using augmented reality so it can be played both indoors and outdoors. Augmented reality technology is used to track the patients' movement in the real world and to interpret that movement into events in the exergame rather than to augment the mobile user interface.
Keywords: eHealth application; exercise; exergames; exertion; heart disease; inactivity; physical activity; sedentary; technology; training.
© Aseel Berglund, Leonie Klompstra, Helena Orädd, Johan Fallström, Anna Strömberg, Tiny Jaarsma, Erik Berglund. Originally published in JMIR Serious Games (