Distribution of the FT-207 and 5-FU between plasma and lung tissue as well as tumor tissue was studied in 28 patients with lung cancer after administration of FT-207 preoperatively. Two methods of administration were employed, one is intravenous drip infusion (IV Group) (800 mg/day for three days) and the other is suppository (Supp Group) (750 mg 2/day for three days). The level of FT-207 was higher in plasma than in normal lung tissue or tumor tissue in IV Group. There was no difference in the level of FT-207 between plasma, normal lung tissue and tumor tissue in Supp Group. The level of 5-FU was higher in tumor tissue than in plasma both in IV Group and Supp Group. Furthermore, intravenous drip infusion was more effective method to give FT-207 because of higher level of 5-FU in tumor tissue than in normal tissue. Comparison of the tissue level in IV Group between two histologic types of tumor, i.e. squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma, disclosed that there was no significant difference in the concentration of FT-207 and 5-FU both in normal lung tissue and in tumor tissue.