This study set out to investigate in a population-based longitudinal cohort, whether chronification of back pain (BP) is related to structural gray matter changes in corticolimbic brain structures. Gray matter volume (GMV) was measured in participants with chronic BP (CBP, n = 168) and controls without chronic pain (n = 323) at 2 time points with an interval of 7 years (baseline t1, follow-up t2). Over this time period, participants with CBP showed an increase of GMV in the left ventral striatum, whereas controls showed a decrease. By contrast, participants with CBP had a GMV decrease in the left parahippocampal gyrus. Within the CBP group, pain duration was negatively associated with GMV in the left caudate. Those with emerging CBP had less GMV in the right entorhinal area, right amygdala, and left medial frontal cortex. Additional variables differing between those who had BP at t1 and later developed CBP or not were pain intensity, body mass index, and depression score. In sum, these findings are in accordance with the notion that limbic brain properties are both predisposing risk factors and drivers of brain reorganization during the development of CBP.
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