Accelerating Fourth-Generation Machine Learning Potentials Using Quasi-Linear Scaling Particle Mesh Charge Equilibration

J Chem Theory Comput. 2024 Aug 16;20(16):7264-7271. doi: 10.1021/acs.jctc.4c00334. Online ahead of print.


Machine learning potentials (MLPs) have revolutionized the field of atomistic simulations by describing atomic interactions with the accuracy of electronic structure methods at a small fraction of the cost. Most current MLPs construct the energy of a system as a sum of atomic energies, which depend on information about the atomic environments provided in the form of predefined or learnable feature vectors. If, in addition, nonlocal phenomena like long-range charge transfer are important, fourth-generation MLPs need to be used, which include a charge equilibration (Qeq) step to take the global structure of the system into account. This Qeq can significantly increase the computational cost and thus can become a computational bottleneck for large systems. In this Article, we present a highly efficient formulation of Qeq that does not require the explicit computation of the Coulomb matrix elements, resulting in a quasi-linear scaling method. Moreover, our approach also allows for the efficient calculation of energy derivatives, which explicitly consider the global structure-dependence of the atomic charges as obtained from Qeq. Due to its generality, the method is not restricted to MLPs and can also be applied within a variety of other force fields.