Abiotrophia defectiva Endocarditis: A Case Diagnosed Incidentally Due to Multi-organ Embolism

Cureus. 2024 Jun 25;16(6):e63146. doi: 10.7759/cureus.63146. eCollection 2024 Jun.


Abiotrophia defectiva, often referred to as nutritionally variant streptococci, is generally a benign part of human microflora, primarily found in the oral cavity, digestive tract, and genitourinary system. However, it can have a significant role in infectious endocarditis (IE). We discuss a case involving a 53-year-old male who displayed serious signs indicative of IE. The individual, who had a history of IgA nephropathy, underwent successful surgical and antibiotic intervention. Given the challenge in treating A. defectiva due to its high antibiotic resistance and the tendency for embolic events and treatment failure, a multidimensional approach involving surgical intervention and specific antibiotic therapy resulted in a successful outcome. This case underlines the need for early identification, immediate treatment, and additional research to understand better and manage A. defectiva endocarditis.

Keywords: abiotrophia defectiva; aortic valve plasty; infectious endocarditis; mitral valve replacement; multi organ embolism.

Publication types

  • Case Reports