Background: Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer (ChatGPT) and other ChatBots have emerged as tools for interacting with information in manners resembling natural human speech. Consequently, the technology is used across various disciplines, including business, education, and even in biomedical sciences. There is a need to better understand how ChatGPT can be used to advance gerontology research. Therefore, we evaluated ChatGPT responses to questions on specific topics in gerontology research, and brainstormed recommendations for its use in the field.
Methods: We conducted semistructured brainstorming sessions to identify uses of ChatGPT in gerontology research. We divided a team of multidisciplinary researchers into 4 topical groups: (a) gero-clinical science, (b) basic geroscience, (c) informatics as it relates to electronic health records, and (d) gero-technology. Each group prompted ChatGPT on a theory-, methods-, and interpretation-based question and rated responses for accuracy and completeness based on standardized scales.
Results: ChatGPT responses were rated by all groups as generally accurate. However, the completeness of responses was rated lower, except by members of the informatics group, who rated responses as highly comprehensive.
Conclusions: ChatGPT accurately depicts some major concepts in gerontological research. However, researchers have an important role in critically appraising the completeness of its responses. Having a single generalized resource like ChatGPT may help summarize the preponderance of evidence in the field to identify gaps in knowledge and promote cross-disciplinary collaboration.
Keywords: ChatGPT; Gerontology; Multidisciplinary; Prompt engineering.
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