One-carbon metabolites (OCM) are metabolites and cofactors which include folate, vitamin B12, methionine, and choline that support methylation reactions. The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of moderate changes in maternal body weight gain in combination with OCM supplementation during the first 63 d of gestation in beef cattle on (1) B12 and folate concentrations in maternal serum (2) folate cycle intermediates in maternal and fetal liver, allantoic fluid (ALF), and amniotic fluid (AMF) and (3) metabolites involved in one-carbon metabolism and related metabolic pathways in maternal and fetal liver. Heifers were either intake restricted (RES) and fed to lose 0.23 kg/d, or fed to gain 0.60 kg/d (CON). Supplemented (+ OCM) heifers were given B12 and folate injections weekly and fed rumen-protected methionine and choline daily, while non-supplemented (-OCM) heifers were given weekly saline injections. These two treatments were combined in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement resulting in 4 treatments: CON-OCM, CON + OCM, RES-OCM, and RES + OCM. Samples of maternal serum, maternal and fetal liver, ALF, and AMF were collected at slaughter on day 63 of gestation. Restricted maternal nutrition most notably increased (./ ≤ 0.05) the concentration of vitamin B12 in maternal serum, 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate and 5,10-methenyltetrahydrofolate in maternal liver, and cystathionine in the fetal liver; conversely, maternal restriction decreased (P = 0.05) 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate concentration in fetal liver. Supplementing OCM increased (P ≤ 0.05) the concentrations of maternal serum B12, folate, and folate intermediates, ALF and AMF 5-methyltetrahydrofolate concentration, and altered (P ≤ 0.02) other maternal liver intermediates including S-adenosylmethionine, dimethylglycine, cystathionine Glutathione reduced, glutathione oxidized, taurine, serine, sarcosine, and pyridoxine. These data demonstrate that OCM supplementation was effective at increasing maternal OCM status. Furthermore, these data are similar to previously published literature where restricted maternal nutrition also affected maternal OCM status. Altering OCM status in both the dam and fetus could impact fetal developmental outcomes and production efficiencies. Lastly, these data demonstrate that fetal metabolite abundance is highly regulated, although the changes required to maintain homeostasis may program altered metabolism postnatally.
Keywords: beef cattle; folate intermediates; nutrient restriction; one-carbon metabolism; vitamin B12.
Maternal stresses that occur during pregnancy, such as restricted nutrition, can impact the developmental outcomes of the offspring in a process known as developmental programming. This programming can occur through epigenetics, which involves changes in fetal gene expression and can occur through the addition of methyl groups to DNA. These changes regulate gene transcription in the offspring and can alter offspring health, efficiency, and life-long outcomes. One-carbon metabolites (OCM), which are nutrients like the amino acid methionine and the vitamins B12, folate, and choline, act as intermediates or cofactors for the donation of methyl groups to DNA. This study investigated the effects of differing maternal rates of gain along with OCM supplementation during early gestation on OCM and related metabolite concentrations in the dam and fetus. We found that supplementing OCM to beef heifers increased maternal OCM and related metabolite concentrations and fetal fluid OCM concentrations. We also found that low maternal gain increased maternal serum and liver OCM concentrations. We can conclude from these findings that both maternal rate of gain and OCM supplementation can impact maternal OCM concentrations at day 63 of gestation and further research is needed to see if those maternal impacts will affect the developing fetus or calf later in its life.
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