Communities in stream ecosystems often respond asymmetrically to increase and release of stressors, as indicated by slow and incomplete recovery. The Asymmetric Response Concept (ARC) posits that this is due to a shift in the relative importance of three mechanisms: tolerance, dispersal, and biotic interactions. In complex natural communities, these mechanisms may produce alternative outcomes through poorly understood indirect effects. To understand how the three mechanisms respond to different temporal stressor scenarios, we studied multiple scenarios using a stream food web model. We asked the following questions: Do groups of species decline as expected on the basis of individual tolerance rankings derived from laboratory experiments when they are embedded in a complex dynamic food web? Does the response of ecosystem function match that of communities? To address these questions, we aggregated data on individual tolerances at the level of functional groups and studied how single and multiple stressors affect food web dynamics and nutrient cycling. Multiple stressor scenarios involved different intensities of salt and temperature increase. Functional groups exhibited a different relative tolerance ranking between the laboratory and dynamic food web contexts. Salt as a single stressor had only minor and transient effects at low level but led to the loss of one or more functional groups at high level. In contrast, high temperature, alone or in combination with salt, caused the loss of functional groups at all tested levels. Patterns often differed between the response of communities and ecosystem function. We discuss our findings with respect to the ARC.
Keywords: Degradation; Global warming; Heatwave; Multiple stressors; Recovery; Restoration; Tolerance.
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