As a model plant for bryophytes, Marchantia polymorpha offers insights into the role of RNA silencing in aiding early land plants navigate the challenges posed by high-temperature environments. Genomic analysis revealed unique ARGONAUTE1 ortholog gene (MpAGO1) in M. polymorpha, which is regulated by two species-specific microRNAs (miRNAs), miR11707.1 and miR11707.2. Comparative studies of small RNA profiles from M. polymorpha cellular and MpAGO1 immunoprecipitation (MpAGO1-IP) profiles at various temperatures, along with analyses of Arabidopsis AGO1 (AtAGO1), revealed that MpAGO1 has a low selectivity for a diverse range of small RNA species than AtAGO1. Protein structural comparisons revealed no discernible differences in the guide strand small RNA recognition middle domain, MID domain, of MpAGO1 and AtAGO1, suggesting the complexity of miRNA species specificity and necessitating further exploration. Small RNA profiling and size exclusion chromatography have pinpointed a subset of M. polymorpha miRNAs, notably miR11707, that remain in free form within the cell at 22°C but are loaded into MpAGO1 at 28°C to engage in RNA silencing. Investigations into the mir11707 gene editing (mir11707ge) mutants provided evidence of the regulation of miR11707 in MpAGO1. Notably, while MpAGO1 mRNA expression decreases at 28°C, the stability of the MpAGO1 protein and its associated miRNAs is essential for enhancing the RNA-inducing silencing complex (RISC) activity, revealing the importance of RNA silencing in enabling M. polymorpha to survive thermal stress. This study advances our understanding of RNA silencing in bryophytes and provides groundbreaking insights into the evolutionary resilience of land plants to climatic adversities.
Keywords: ARGONAUTE; Bryophyte; Liverwort; Small RNA sorting; Thermal response.
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