With the widespread prevalence of mobile devices, ecological momentary assessment (EMA) can be combined with geospatial data acquired through geographic techniques like global positioning system (GPS) and geographic information system. This technique enables the consideration of individuals' health and behavior outcomes of momentary exposures in spatial contexts, mostly referred to as "geographic ecological momentary assessment" or "geographically explicit EMA" (GEMA). However, the definition, scope, methods, and applications of GEMA remain unclear and unconsolidated. To fill this research gap, we conducted a systematic review to synthesize the methodological insights, identify common research interests and applications, and furnish recommendations for future GEMA studies. We followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis guidelines to systematically search peer-reviewed studies from six electronic databases in 2022. Screening and eligibility were conducted following inclusion criteria. The risk of bias assessment was performed, and narrative synthesis was presented for all studies. From the initial search of 957 publications, we identified 47 articles included in the review. In public health, GEMA was utilized to measure various outcomes, such as psychological health, physical and physiological health, substance use, social behavior, and physical activity. GEMA serves multiple research purposes: 1) enabling location-based EMA sampling, 2) quantifying participants' mobility patterns, 3) deriving exposure variables, 4) describing spatial patterns of outcome variables, and 5) performing data linkage or triangulation. GEMA has advanced traditional EMA sampling strategies and enabled location-based sampling by detecting location changes and specified geofences. Furthermore, advances in mobile technology have prompted considerations of additional sensor-based data in GEMA. Our results highlight the efficacy and feasibility of GEMA in public health research. Finally, we discuss sampling strategy, data privacy and confidentiality, measurement validity, mobile applications and technologies, and GPS accuracy and missing data in the context of current and future public health research that uses GEMA.
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