Case: An 18-year-old right-handed male student presented after a road-traffic-accident; he had type-II Monteggia fracture dislocation associated with ipsilateral type-I capitellum fracture and comminuted lateral condyle avulsion fracture. He underwent open reduction and fixation of ulna with 3.5 DCP with autologous olecranon bone grafting and fixation of capitellum using Herbert screw along with lateral collateral ligament (LCL) repair using fiber wire. At 6-years follow-up good outcome was seen without functional restrictions despite 15 degrees of restriction in pronation.
Conclusion: Monteggia type-II variant with type-I capitellum fracture and LCL avulsion is a unique combination that represents a novel variant of type-II Monteggia equivalent, which adds to the existing classification of Monteggia equivalents.
Keywords: Capitellum fracture; Elbow injury; Monteggia equivalent; Monteggia fracture dislocation; Monteggia variant; Type 2 Monteggia fracture.
© 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.