Organic farming practices increase weed density and diversity over conventional practices: A meta-analysis

Heliyon. 2024 Jun 8;10(12):e32761. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e32761. eCollection 2024 Jun 30.


Population growth and climate change challenge our food and farming systems and provide arguments for an increased intensification of agriculture. Organic farming has been seen as a promising option due to its eco-friendly approaches during production. However, weeds are regarded as the major hindrance to effective crop production which varies depending on the type of crop and spacing. Their presence leads to reduced yield, increase in harvest cost and lower the qualities of some produce. Thus, weed management is a key priority for successful crop production. Therefore, we conducted a meta-analysis from published studies to quantify possible differences on weed density, diversity and evenness in organic and conventional farming systems and best intervention for weed management in organic farming system. Data included were obtained from 32 studies where 31 studies with 410 observations were obtained for weed density, 15 studies with 168 observations for diversity, and 5 studies with 104 observations for evenness. Standard deviation of mean was obtained from the studies, log transformed using natural logarithms and the effect size pooled using standardized mean difference (SMD). Publication bias was determined through funnel plot. Results showed that organic farming has significant higher weed density (P < 0.01), diversity (P = 0.01), and evenness (P < 0.05) compared to conventional farming. Despite so, diversified crop rotation has been proved to reduce weed density in organic farming by up to 49 % while maize-bean intercropping decrease densities of Amaranthus ssp, Cyperus ssp and Cammelina ssp compared with monocropping. Use of mulch after one hand weeding was found to control up to 98 % of weeds and use of cover crop between 24 % and 85 % depending on the type of the cover crop. The study results show that organic farming encourages high weed density, diversity and evenness but use of the integrated approaches can help to maintain weed density at a manageable level.

Keywords: Conventional farming; Density; Diversity; Evenness; Organic farming; Weed.