The Link Between Childhood Abuse Experiences and Homeless People's Quality of Life: A Longitudinal Study

J Child Adolesc Trauma. 2023 Nov 23;17(2):231-243. doi: 10.1007/s40653-023-00582-6. eCollection 2024 Jun.


Studies report a relatively high prevalence of childhood abuse experiences (CAE) among adult homeless people. Within homeless populations, people with CAE appear to be worse off than homeless people without such experiences. This study compares a broad set of factors influencing the quality of the daily lives of Dutch homeless people with and without CAE. It also examines the extent to which CAE are predictive of the rate of change in these factors 2.5 years after entering the social relief system. Data were used from an observational longitudinal multi-site cohort study following Dutch homeless people 2.5 years after entering the social relief system. The 4 constitutional conditions of the Social Quality Approach (living conditions, interpersonal embeddedness, societal embeddedness and self-regulation) were used to cluster the factors included in this study. Participants were interviewed twice, at baseline (N = 513) and at follow up (N = 378), using a quantitative questionnaire. At baseline and follow-up participants with CAE were more disadvantaged in each of the 4 conditions of social quality, except for societal embeddedness at follow-up. After 2.5 years, on average, all participants improved more or less at a similar rate on almost all factors, with a few exceptions: Significant differential changes over time were found regarding employment status, quality of relationships with family members and symptoms of depression and anxiety. Findings corroborate the broad, detrimental and persistent impact of CAE on the quality of daily lives of homeless people and the need for homelessness services to apply trauma-informed care.

Keywords: Childhood abuse experiences; Homeless people; Quality of daily life; Trauma-informed care.