Surgeons request intraoperative parathyroid hormone (PTH) monitoring during parathyroidectomy procedures to confirm identification of abnormal gland tissue. Generally, a 50% decrease in the baseline PTH level indicates the abnormal tissue has been removed. A delay in collecting and processing PTH blood samples can complicate intraoperative decision making and prolong the procedure. The purpose of this quality improvement project was to develop tools to facilitate the specimen management process (eg, requesting, transporting, analyzing) for PTH blood samples and decrease the average total time required for transit and assay. We implemented a two-pronged initiative that involved improving the laboratory requisition form and creating a parathyroid tote box to contain all the needed information and supplies. The average total time for transit and assay decreased from 31.36 minutes before implementation to 22.06 minutes after implementation. Perioperative nurses expressed satisfaction with the changes and continue to use the revised process.
Keywords: PTH tote box; assay time; parathyroid hormone (PTH); requisition; transit time.
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