dtool and dserver: A flexible ecosystem for findable data

PLoS One. 2024 Jun 25;19(6):e0306100. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0306100. eCollection 2024.


Making data FAIR-findable, accessible, interoperable, reproducible-has become the recurring theme behind many research data management efforts. dtool is a lightweight data management tool that packages metadata with immutable data to promote accessibility, interoperability, and reproducibility. Each dataset is self-contained and does not require metadata to be stored in a centralised system. This decentralised approach means that finding datasets can be difficult. dtool's lookup server, short dserver, as defined by a REST API, makes dtool datasets findable, hence rendering the dtool ecosystem fit for a FAIR data management world. Its simplicity, modularity, accessibility and standardisation via API distinguish dtool and dserver from other solutions and enable it to serve as a common denominator for cross-disciplinary research data management. The dtool ecosystem bridges the gap between standardisation-free data management by individuals and FAIR platform solutions with rigid metadata requirements.

MeSH terms

  • Data Management / methods
  • Ecosystem
  • Internet
  • Metadata
  • Reproducibility of Results
  • Software*

Grants and funding

MH and TSGO thank the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC, https://www.ukri.org/councils/bbsrc) of the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) funding body, HH thanks the German Research Foundation (DFG, https://www.dfg.de, RTG 2450), JLH, AV, AS and LP also thank the DFG (EXC 2193/1—390951807, INST 39/1099-1 FUGG), AS and LP furthermore thank the European Research Council (ERC, https://erc.europa.eu, StG 757343) for partial support of this work. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.