Pollination Ecology, Breeding System, and Conservation of Butia lallemantii Deble & Marchiori (Arecaceae): A Useful Dwarf Palm Tree from the Pampa

Plants (Basel). 2024 Jun 5;13(11):1562. doi: 10.3390/plants13111562.


The Dwarf Palm, Butia lallemantii Deble & Marchiori, is an endangered species endemic to the Pampa biome and typically grows in sandy and rocky soils. Given its economic, ecological, and cultural relevance, it is crucial to understand the ecology and biology of this species to encourage its preservation and highlight its significance for the Pampa. This study aims to investigate whether this palm relies on animal vectors for pollination, analyze its breeding system, and propose strategies for its conservation and sustainable use. We conducted field observations on pollination ecology, identified floral visitors, and designed six breeding system experiments to test cross-compatibility, self-compatibility, and apomixis. Additionally, we conducted a literature review to propose conservation strategies. Butia lallemantii is pollinator-dependent and self-compatible. The flowers are mostly melittophilous and offer pollen and nectar for floral visitors. The main pollinators are native Meliponinae and Halictinae bees and the introduced Apis mellifera. This study represents the first comprehensive and complete examination of the breeding system and pollination process on Butia palms. This palm can provide materials for industries, but urgent actions are needed to preserve the remaining populations through effective policies and strategies. Furthermore, this palm should be integrated into diversified agroecosystems to evaluate its adaptability to cultivation.

Keywords: Butia; Halictinae; Meliponinae; entomophily; geitonogamy; native pollinators; self-compatibility.

Grants and funding

This research was funded by CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal do Ensino Superior) with a doctorate grant (n◦ 88882.439426/2019-01).