Disulfidptosis, a newly discovered mode of cell death caused by excessive accumulation of intracellular disulfide compounds, is closely associated with tumor development. This study focused on the relationship between disulfidptosis and clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC). Firstly, the characterizations of disulfidptosis-related genes (DRGs) in ccRCC were showed, which included number variation (CNV), single nucleotide variation (SNV), DNA methylation, mRNA expression and gene mutation. Then, the ccRCC samples were classified into three clusters through unsupervised clustering based on DRGs. Survival and pathway enrichment differences were evaluated among the three clusters. Subsequently, the differentially expressed genes (DEGs) among the three clusters were screened by univariate Cox, LASSO, and multivariate Cox analysis, and five key DEGs were obtained. Based on the five key DEGs, the ccRCC samples were reclassified into two geneclusters and the survival differences and immune cell infiltration between two geneclusters was investigated. In next step, ccRCC samples were divided into two groups according to PCA scores of five key DEGs, namely high PCA score group (HPSG) and low PCA score group (LPSG). On this basis, differences in survival prognosis, immune cell infiltration and correlation with immune checkpoint, as well as differences in sensitivity to targeted drugs were compared between HPSG and LPSG. The expression levels of four immune checkpoints were higher in HPSG than in LPSG, whereas the LPSG was more sensitive to targeted drug therapy than the HPSG. Finally, validation experiments on HDAC4 indicated that HDAC4 could increase the proliferation and colony formation ability of ccRCC cells.
Keywords: Clear cell renal cell carcinoma; Disulfidptosis; Immune cell infiltration; Prognosis.
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