The technique of sequential scintigraphy in investigating newborn infants in order to exclude or detect cyanotic congenital heart disease has been improved. The primary scintigraphic data are recorded digitally (list mode, 1 ms, 128 by 128 pixels) and evaluated automatically as a sequence of 1/2 s frames in 1/8 s increments. A 35 mm film is exposed to a scanning pulsed light spot on a CRT-screen with quantitative correspondence between local count density and the local number of light pulses. A series of highly resolved images of the rapidly changing scintigraphic pattern is achieved in 30 min. The results of 3 investigations are discussed. They prove the importance of adequate spatial resolution and definition in time in nuclear angiocardiography in infancy. Three case results are discussed in detail. In one case cardiac catheterisation and angiocardiography had been omitted, since the radioisotopic findings excluded cyanotic congenital heart disease. Two further investigations are discussed with reference to the findings at cardiac catheterisation.