Developing a sustainable energy model for solar nixtamalization of native maize from Michoacán, Mexico

MethodsX. 2024 May 17:12:102759. doi: 10.1016/j.mex.2024.102759. eCollection 2024 Jun.


In Mexico, corn and the nixtamalization technique hold immense culinary and economic significance. Thus, optimizing and offering alternatives for this process is critical. This research proposes a solar-driven nixtamalization method customized for native maize varieties in Michoacán, Mexico. The objective is to present a technique that is energy-efficient, environmentally friendly, socially acceptable, and cost-effective. We devised a straightforward yet effective nixtamalization process utilizing the HSMC solar furnace. This method encompasses:•Field research to understand the practices and traditions regarding nixtamalization and the most consumed maize varieties.•Thermal determination and profiling of the solar oven to be used for each case study.For the rural areas of Michoacán, solar nixtamalization presents a practical and eco-sustainable alternative in both energy usage and economic terms. However, those interested in its local application must consider that the duration may vary due to differing climatic conditions and maize types.

Keywords: Environmental benefits; Maize consumption trends; Solar device; Solar thermal technologies; Sustainable nixtamalization model using solar energy.