Introducing Point-of-Care PCR technology in general practice: Ambiguities, experiences, and perceptions among health care professionals

Health (London). 2024 May 31:13634593241254988. doi: 10.1177/13634593241254988. Online ahead of print.


In this paper we present findings from a qualitative ethnographic study investigating the experiences and perceptions of general practitioners and other practice staff when introducing a new point of care diagnostic test technology (point of care polymerase chain reaction (POC PCR)) in general practice in Denmark. The ethnographic study was conducted in five general practice clinics, involving observations in four of the clinics and interviews with general practitioners and practice staff in all five clinics. Following an initial analytic phase in which barriers and facilitators in the implementation process of the Point-of-Care test were identified, we developed theoretically informed themes, drawing upon Hartmut Rosa's social theory of technological acceleration. These themes included ambiguous experiences and perceptions of: (i) diagnostic specification and inflation embedded in diagnostic practices; (ii) empowerment and erosion of professional judgment; (iii) strategies of security and insecurity in communication; (iv) the interdependence between professional autonomy and economic structures associated with organizational power; and (v) subjective and organizational time. We discuss how diagnostic technologies simultaneously contribute to and disrupt treatment safety, efficiency, and medical decision-making. Using Rosa's sociological concepts of alienation and resonance, this article furthermore explores how these ambiguous dynamics are experienced in general practice settings. It also examines the implications of navigating a heterogeneous socio-technical and medical landscape and what it means to be a health professional in a contemporary general practice environment that is increasingly shaped by diagnostic technologies.

Keywords: Patient-physician relationship; primary care; profession and professionalization; technology in healthcare; theory.