[Interaction between root exudates of medicinal plants and rhizosphere microorganisms and its application in ecological planting of Chinese medicinal materials]

Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi. 2024 Apr;49(8):2128-2137. doi: 10.19540/j.cnki.cjcmm.20240119.102.
[Article in Chinese]


The rhizosphere is an important place for material exchange between medicinal plants and soil. Root exudates are the medium of material and signal exchange between plants and soil and are the key factors in the regulation of rhizosphere microecology. Rhizosphere microorganisms are an important part of the rhizosphere microecology of medicinal plants, and the interaction between root exudates and rhizosphere microorganisms has an important influence on the growth and quality formation of medicinal plants. Rational utilization of the interaction between root exudates and rhizosphere microorganisms of medicinal plants is one of the important ways to ensure the healthy growth of medicinal plants and promote the development of ecological planting of Chinese medicinal materials. In the paper, the research status of root exudates and rhizosphere microorganisms of medicinal plants in recent years was summarized. The interaction mechanism between root exudates and rhizosphere microorganisms of medicinal plants, as well as the influence of rhizosphere microorganisms on the growth of medicinal plants, were analyzed. In addition, the advantages and promoting effects of intercropping ecological planting mode on rhizosphere microecology of medicinal plants and quality improvement of Chinese medicinal materials were explained, providing a good basis for the study of the interaction among medicinal plants, microorganisms, and soil. Furthermore, it could produce important theoretical and practical significance for the ecological planting and sustainable utilization of medicinal plants.

Keywords: ecological planting; medicinal plants; rhizosphere microorganisms; root exudate.

Publication types

  • Review
  • English Abstract

MeSH terms

  • Bacteria / classification
  • Bacteria / metabolism
  • Plant Exudates / chemistry
  • Plant Exudates / metabolism
  • Plant Roots* / growth & development
  • Plant Roots* / metabolism
  • Plant Roots* / microbiology
  • Plants, Medicinal* / chemistry
  • Plants, Medicinal* / growth & development
  • Plants, Medicinal* / metabolism
  • Plants, Medicinal* / microbiology
  • Rhizosphere*
  • Soil Microbiology*


  • Plant Exudates